But I did finish my first quilt! It took over a year and I wrote about the process here, here, and here. Now it's hanging on a wall:
And here is a bit of the back:
I'm so proud of it and I have a couple more lined up.
I also finished the projects from the red tote. I had finished GameBoy's in May. Here is JazzBoy's:
With dark green backs that fit:
Now, for what I've been working on: I decided to knit Nancy's Bush's scarf "Peacock Tail and Leaf Scarf" from her book Knitted Lace of Estonia. It's been a lot of fun. First, I learned a new cast-on, the knitted method:
The yarn I used was Wildfoote Luxury Sock Yarn in Gunsmoke. I'm really in a grey mood these days.
I got this far with one skein:
I thought in the meantime, I could finish up the ornaments from 2009. (Also here, here, here, and here.) And maybe work on some flannel blankets I started some time ago:
After all, DH's friend in the Philippines had a baby a few months ago, and DH really needs to send a gift. But then-- I got my new yarn today! It's Classic Elite Silky Alpaca laceweight in Cloud Gray:
I cannot wait to get started! Oh, and I almost forgot to show the tote I'm using for this. It's a Maggi B tote I got for Christmas:
It's huge! And here's where I'm keeping my stitch markers and needle ends (it's from Nordic Needle):
It's tiny! Here they are together:
Now I'm off to cast on again.
1 comment:
Yay! Your shawl looks amazing! I love your cross stitching too!
I understand about starting the shawl over. I'm the same way I would have to start over. I love the color and it looks beautiful. Jealous of your new bags!
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