Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Full Steam Ahead

Well, I didn't quite finish DH's ornament by the weekend. I would have, but I napped on Saturday instead. So I finished it on Monday and here it is.

I immediately started on Jazzboy's ornament:

I hadn't been doing Finishing work like I ought to, but today I finally did a small task. I lined up the centers of the stitching, the batting and the foam core with a straight pin.

The little snowman has a belly button:

This way even if I don't get the stitching on straight (something to work on), at least it'll be properly centered.

And I finished Jazzboy's ornament as well:

Very quick and fun and it feels really good to get these small things accomplished. Tomorrow, I hope to start on my own ornament.

1 comment:

shiguy4076 said...

wow i love both of them. amazing! so when you get here you'll help me frame mine too.