Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why It Sucks to be a Slob

Because one day you might find yourself running out the door to pick up the boys from school, and you might think you'd like to read Martha Stewart Living while you're waiting. And you can't find it! You know you had it yesterday, and you start thinking that you also had a bunch of junk mail that you threw in the trash. You look and look and come to the inevitable conclusion that you must have thrown the magazine in the trash with the junk. It's been known to happen. So you gird up your loins, and go through the trash which is full of eggshells and potato salad remnants and some unidentified liquid. When you don't find it, you go through it again. Still no dice. So you wash your hands and look around the front room once more. Only to find that you actually threw it on the couch the day before, and your husband, desperately in search of a clear place to sit, set it aside neatly where it wouldn't get damaged.

1 comment:

shiguy4076 said...

Dont' you just hate it when people move your stuff. Chris is doing that to me all the time. It may not look clean to him but i know where I put it :) Or at least that's what I tell myself.

Merry Christmas.