Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More gifts

Lynda also brought me gifts during her visit. I had a really good time while she was here. We went to Shepherd's Bush (stitching), Needlepoint Joint (knitting and stitching) and Sew Sweet (quilting). It was a blast! And we ate at the Lion House Pantry. Now she is on her way back home.

The postcard on the left speaks for itself :-D.

Very fun toys. From the top, clockwise: A pinkeep, three bodkins, a thread holder, a needle-threader, and two tatting shuttles. All have jumprings, so it would be fun to put them on a chain or, even better, make a chatelaine to carry them on!

Beautiful socks with cool wavy cables, and in the perfect colors for a dragonfly, too. Green for water and blue for air. I'm a little afraid to put them on.

Felted slippers. These, I put on right after taking the picture because it's cold here today--very cozy!

A bottom view of a slipper--to keep me from slipping.

And finally, a copy of Mason-Dixon Knitting by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne. I cannot wait to read it!

For some reason, my normally ill-tempered cat, Bonzilla, decided to be out-and-out mean and was hissing, snarling and growling at Lynda and her daughter and had to be locked in a room (with food, water and litter-box, of course).
Here is Bonzilla ignoring me. After this she refused to sit for a picture at all. I was hoping to get her in full demon mode, but it was not to be.

1 comment:

shiguy4076 said...

Jealous! I love those tatting bobbins.

Bonzilla is the devil.