Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mea Culpa!

Mea maxima culpa!

While sitting in my dorm room--with no computer access--at Women's Conference, I was mulling over Lynda's recent visit. I was missing her already and thinking about the lovely gifts she had made me. In particular, I was considering what I would wear with the necklace she had crocheted for me. Wait. Oh. My. Gosh. I forgot to post a pic of the necklace. It's a beautiful one, too. So beautiful that I put it on right away, and then hung it up with the rest of my necklaces instead of putting it with the other gifts to be photographed. Between that and the flurry of packing, it completely slipped my mind. But I want to share it with the world (or at least my family), so here it is.

And below is a close-up so you can see her work:

And the dorm room where the realization occurred (it kind of made me think of a monk's cell):

1 comment:

shiguy4076 said...

I love love the necklace and if I had any talent when it comes to crochet I'd ask for the pattern. Lucky!!