Clean Sweep Nutcracker by Jemini Designs is found in the 2015 JCS Ornament Issue. It was quite fun to do, with a little challenge in the metallics, satin stitch, and fluffy thread.
Here I have finished the backstitch and long stitch:
And then the satin stitch. I felt I could have made it a little more smooth. I decided at this point to add the signature as well, although it wasn't quite finished, because the final thread I used in this project was Rainbow Gallery's Wisper in red and there's nothing like dragging tiny bits of red fluff all over a nearly-finished project:
And, finished! JazzBoy and I are both pleased with the way it turned out. We like the clarity and simplicity of the design, as well as the humor:
It will probably be a little while before I do the final ornament Finishing. I may, possibly, have mentioned that I don't like Finishing. So this, and the other ornaments, will be worked in among other stitching/textile projects. I'm currently working on stitching the remaining ornaments my family selected--I'm starting the next one this afternoon--as well as learning to sew an A-line skirt using lessons from Craftsy. I'm also planning to get started on a few projects that I've had in mind for quite a while:
1. A Mirabilia project for my sister that I started quite some time ago--a decade? Longer? It's ridiculous. She paid quite a bit for the supplies, too. I took a floor stand upstairs a few minutes ago and put it in front of the TV. That's what I'll be doing this baseball season.
2. Learning to tat ice drops.
3. Tatting a small black doily.
4. Making a couple of cuffs. One will be denim with some tatting that I've already done. I also have some orange silk shantung that will make an amazing cuff--I'm thinking of using some vintage costume jewelry and some cream ribbon and beads. I've wanted cuffs for years.
So, lots to do!
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