Friday, August 22, 2008


I got some tatting done today. Here is part of round 3 done, just before joining it to the main part:

And here it is, partly joined:

I like to wait as long as possible before joining it to the main piece. Once joined, it becomes unwieldy and difficult to manage. Plus, the thread twists as I tat, and I can't easily untwist it once I have the whole huge project in my hands.

And now, it's totally joined:

And here is the whole piece, so far:

There will be smaller, cream-colored motifs in between, in the squarish areas. I think it will be no longer than 9 rows. Maybe a little longer--the first ball of thread made three rows, but that was before I learned how to measure my shuttle winding and conserve thread.

I was able to work a little on the Marquoir today, and will hopefully write on that soon.

1 comment:

shiguy4076 said...

Oh it is so beautiful. I really love it it's amazing. What talent you have.